Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Nest Management Announces our Business Honours Club Membership

Nest Management are delighted to inform you all, that we have successfully been accepted as a member The Sports Youth Trust's - Business Honours Club.

The Youth Sport Trust's Business Honours Club is an exclusive commercial membership program providing a recognised accreditation for members.

Established in 1995 this independent Charity scheme supports businesses such as Nest Management, that have a particular interest in enhancing the quality of lives and the education of young people through individual and group physical activity.

As members of the Business Honours Club, we are recognised by schools as professional, forward thinking and passionate about and improving the lives of young people through sports

With an on-going relationship with YST we are looking to increase Nest Managements profile within the School and Physical Education market, allowing us to home and improve our services and support to you all.

This is a very exciting time for Nest Management and thank you all for your on-going interest.

If you would like to know more about The Youth Sports Trust and the Business Honours Club, visit the site.

You can also Click here to download a pdf version of the Business Honours Club information booklet

Very best wishes,


The Martial Arts Show Live, returning for the third consecutive year at the NEC Birmingham. Hope to see you there on 12th-13th of May 2012. Nest Management will be at Stand 21